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Political Conservatism and the Role of Religion

Political Conservatism

Welcome to our in-depth exploration of the relationship between political conservatism and religion. In this article, we will delve into how religion influences conservative ideology, the impact of religious restructuring on political allegiances, and the characteristics of faith and flag conservatives. Join us as we navigate the intricate connection between faith and politics.

Political conservatism is often intertwined with religious beliefs, as many conservatives find solace and guidance in their faith. Whether they are Christians, Evangelicals, Catholics, or members of other faith communities, religious conservatives hold traditional values, emphasizing limited government, fiscal discipline, and the preservation of traditional family structures. However, it is important to note that while faith plays a significant role for many conservatives, they also recognize the importance of separating religion from politics while valuing the freedom of religion enshrined in our Constitution.

Key Takeaways

  • Political conservatism often aligns with religious beliefs, as many conservatives are members of faith communities such as Christians, Evangelicals, and Catholics.
  • Members of the Jewish faith tend to lean towards the Democratic party, while other religious traditions display varied political affiliations.
  • Religious restructuring has led to a division between religious conservatives and religious liberals, particularly in majority-white religious traditions.
  • Faith and Flag Conservatives are highly religious, politically engaged, and primarily identify with the Republican Party.
  • Committed Conservatives share similarities with Faith and Flag Conservatives in terms of demographic characteristics and conservative values.

The Influence of Religious Restructuring on Political Conservatism

In his theory of “religious restructuring,” Robert Wuthnow argued that after the 1960s, there was a significant realignment of religious and political affiliations in the United States. This restructuring led to a division between religious conservatives and religious liberals, shaping the landscape of political allegiances.

Wuthnow’s theory holds particularly true for majority-white religious traditions, where doctrinal conservatism is tightly linked with conservative political attitudes. Within these traditions, religious beliefs often inform political views, with conservative interpretations of scripture guiding positions on social issues and government policies.

However, the influence of religious restructuring on political conservatism is more complex when considering racialized religious traditions such as Muslims, Black Protestants, and Latinx Catholics. The racialized status of these religious traditions, shaped by historical and social factors, influences their political conservatism differently. This indicates that diverse religious traditions have distinct dynamics in their relationship between religion and politics.

This intersection of race, religion, and politics gives rise to a range of political attitudes and allegiances within diverse religious communities. Understanding the impact of religious restructuring on political conservatism provides valuable insights into the diverse perspectives within these traditions and their significance in shaping the broader political landscape.

Faith and Flag Conservatives: A Profile of Political Conservatism

Faith and Flag Conservatives represent a distinct group within political conservatism, characterized by their strong religious beliefs, conservative political attitudes, and unwavering loyalty to Donald Trump.

These individuals are deeply religious and view their faith as an integral part of their political identity. They prioritize the importance of religion in public life, advocating for policies that align with their religious values and beliefs.

Politically engaged, faith and flag conservatives actively participate in the democratic process through their voting behavior and political activism. They strongly identify with the Republican Party, considering it the political home that best aligns with their values and priorities.

While faith and flag conservatives share common religious and political characteristics, they also demonstrate social and economic conservatism. They support limited government intervention, emphasizing personal responsibility and individual liberty. Additionally, they are staunch supporters of a strong American military, valuing national security and sovereignty.

Faith and flag conservatives predominantly consist of White evangelical Protestants, who played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the 2020 election. In this election, they overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump, considering him a great president who championed their conservative values and principles.

Key Attitudes and Beliefs of Faith and Flag Conservatives

Faith and Flag Conservatives hold conservative views on various issues. They strongly believe that religious symbols should be allowed on public property, as they view religion as an important aspect of public life. These conservatives believe that government policies should actively support and promote religious values, ensuring that faith remains a central part of American society.

Furthermore, Faith and Flag Conservatives express concern about the decline in religious affiliation among Americans. They believe that this decline is detrimental to society, as they see religion as a moral compass that guides individuals and strengthens communities.

When it comes to political compromise, Faith and Flag Conservatives tend to be skeptical. They prioritize their conservative principles and often resist compromising their values in the pursuit of bipartisanship. They view compromise as a potential dilution of their core beliefs and a departure from the principles they hold dear.

Support for Donald Trump is a defining characteristic of Faith and Flag Conservatives. They hold a favorable attitude towards Trump and firmly believe that he was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, despite widespread evidence and court rulings to the contrary. They appreciate his conservative policies, his commitment to religious freedom, and his unapologetic patriotism.

Regarding the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, Faith and Flag Conservatives express less concern compared to other political groups. Some members of this conservative faction believe that the criminal penalties imposed on the individuals involved in the riot have been too severe, advocating for lighter consequences.

Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol

Infographic: Key Attitudes and Beliefs of Faith and Flag Conservatives

Beliefs Views
Religion in Public Life
  • Support for religious symbols on public property
Political Compromise
  • Skepticism towards compromise
Support for Trump
  • Favorable attitude towards Trump
  • Belief in his legitimacy as the winner of the 2020 election
Jan. 6 Riot
  • Less concern about the riot
  • Perception of overly severe criminal penalties

Political Engagement and Identity of Faith and Flag Conservatives

Faith and Flag Conservatives are highly politically engaged and have a strong identification with the Republican Party. They actively participate in political processes, making their voices heard through voting and financial contributions to political candidates. These conservatives stay informed about government and political news, as they recognize the importance of staying up-to-date with current events that shape their political landscape.

With a warm rating for the GOP, Faith and Flag Conservatives express a strong affinity for the Republican Party. They resonate with its conservative values, including limited government intervention, traditional family structures, and a strong national defense. On the other hand, they hold a negative rating for Democrats, demonstrating a clear partisan divide.

Faith and Flag Conservatives come from a predominantly older, non-Hispanic White demographic. Living in rural communities, they bring their conservative values and beliefs to their localities, influencing the political landscape in these areas.

In their quest for political information, Faith and Flag Conservatives rely heavily on Fox News. As a prominent right-leaning news source, Fox News caters to their conservative viewpoints, providing them with the news and analysis that align with their beliefs.

political engagement

Committed Conservatives: Another Segment of Political Conservatism

Within the realm of political conservatism, there exists a distinct segment known as Committed Conservatives. These individuals hold strong conservative political views and proudly identify as Republicans. They champion traditional conservative values and prioritize limited government intervention, national security, and the preservation of traditional family structures.

Committed Conservatives, like their counterparts, the Faith and Flag Conservatives, are predominantly non-Hispanic White. They share similar demographic characteristics, but their attitudes and political engagement patterns exhibit slight differences.

While both groups align with conservative values, Committed Conservatives may approach certain issues with nuanced perspectives. Their commitment to conservative ideals often translates into a steadfast adherence to conservative policies, ensuring that their political affiliation remains aligned with their deeply held principles.

Attitudes and Priorities

Committed Conservatives prioritize maintaining limited government intervention in the economy, advocating for fiscal responsibility and the preservation of individual liberties. They embrace a strong commitment to national security, emphasizing the need for a robust military and a proactive foreign policy.

Furthermore, Committed Conservatives place great importance on traditional family values, seeking to uphold the sanctity of marriage, support pro-life policies, and promote a sense of moral responsibility within society.

Demographic Characteristics

Committed Conservatives primarily consist of non-Hispanic White individuals who align themselves with the Republican Party. They often come from diverse backgrounds, including various age groups, educational levels, and socioeconomic statuses.

In terms of geographic distribution, Committed Conservatives can be found in both urban and rural areas throughout the United States. This wide-ranging demographic presence reflects the broad appeal of conservative principles within different communities.

Political Engagement

Committed Conservatives are actively engaged in the political landscape, with a strong commitment to participating in the democratic process. They exercise their civic duty by voting in elections, contributing to political campaigns, and staying informed about government policies and political developments.

Similar to other segments of political conservatism, Committed Conservatives often rely on conservative-leaning news sources to shape their political perspectives. These sources provide them with the information and analysis that align with their values and priorities.

Overall, Committed Conservatives play a vital role within the broader spectrum of political conservatism. Their unwavering commitment to conservative values, along with their distinct demographic characteristics and political engagement, contributes to the diverse tapestry of conservative ideologies present in the United States.


The intertwining relationship between political conservatism and religion serves as a fascinating lens into the diverse perspectives within this ideological framework. Religion plays a crucial role in shaping conservative political attitudes, particularly in certain religious traditions where it is tightly linked to conservative values and beliefs. However, it is important to recognize that political conservatism and its connection to religion are multifaceted and influenced by various factors such as historical context, racial identity, and individual beliefs.

While religious conservatives, such as Faith and Flag Conservatives, emphasize the importance of religion in public life and align closely with conservative political ideologies, it is essential to acknowledge that these patterns are not universal across all religious traditions. Racialized religious traditions often exhibit different dynamics in terms of political conservatism, influenced by their unique historical and social contexts. These diverse perspectives within religious conservatism highlight the complexity of the relationship between religion and political ideology.

Understanding the intricacies of political conservatism and its connection to religion can provide valuable insights into the larger sociopolitical landscape. By examining the varying patterns of religious conservatism, researchers and policymakers can gain a more nuanced understanding of the ideological diversity within this framework. This understanding is crucial for fostering inclusive dialogue and developing effective strategies that address the concerns and values of individuals from different religious traditions within the broader context of political conservatism.


What is the role of religion in political conservatism?

Religion plays a multifaceted role in political conservatism. It is often associated with conservative values such as limited government, fiscal discipline, and traditional family values. However, the connection between religion and conservatism varies across different religious traditions.

How does religious restructuring influence political conservatism?

According to Robert Wuthnow’s theory of religious restructuring, there has been a realignment of religious and political affiliations in the United States since the 1960s. This realignment has led to a division between religious conservatives and religious liberals. While this link is strong for majority-white religious traditions, it is not as strong for racialized religious traditions such as Muslims, Black Protestants, and Latinx Catholics.

Who are Faith and Flag Conservatives?

Faith and Flag Conservatives are individuals characterized by their strong religious beliefs, conservative political attitudes, and loyalty to Donald Trump. They are predominantly White evangelical Protestants who emphasize the importance of religion in public life, advocate for a smaller role of government, and support a strong American military.

What are some key beliefs and attitudes of Faith and Flag Conservatives?

Faith and Flag Conservatives believe that religious symbols should be allowed on public property and that government policies should support religious values. They view the decline in religious affiliation as detrimental to society, have a strong sense of American exceptionalism, and are skeptical of political compromise. They express a favorable attitude towards Trump and believe that he was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.

Are Faith and Flag Conservatives politically engaged?

Yes, Faith and Flag Conservatives are highly politically engaged. They have a strong identification with the Republican Party, vote at high rates, contribute money to political candidates, and closely follow government and political news. They rely heavily on Fox News for their political information and exhibit high levels of antipathy toward Democrats.

Who are Committed Conservatives?

Committed Conservatives are another segment within political conservatism. They have strong conservative political views, identify as Republicans, and prioritize limited government intervention, national security, and traditional family structures. They share some similarities with Faith and Flag Conservatives in terms of demographic characteristics.

What can we learn from the role of religion in political conservatism?

The role of religion in political conservatism is complex and influenced by various factors such as historical context, racial identity, and individual beliefs. It provides insights into the diverse perspectives within this ideological framework and highlights the different patterns of political conservatism across religious traditions.